Starship Simulator has achieved three stretch goals thus far, amassing over £300k in backing with just 10 days remaining for the Kickstarters completion. In meeting the latest stretch goal, excitement among backers surges, as it marks a significant milestone in the game’s development. While not the largest goal financially, its completion marks a crucial step towards achieving feature completeness.
The newly attained milestone unlocks the ability for players to explore planetary surfaces via shuttles—a quintessential aspect of space exploration. Providing the experience of touching down on alien terrain and witnessing new horizons firsthand is pivotal to capturing the essence of space exploration. The process is seamlessly integrated into gameplay: once in orbit around a planet, players can navigate to the flight deck, embark on a shuttle, descend to the surface, explore, and return to their main ship. This addition represents the final piece of the puzzle, realising the developers’ overarching vision for the game – allowing players to venture into the stars, explore planets intimately, and collect souvenirs to cherish from their cosmic journeys.